Last-Day Revival

Welcome to
The Last-Day Revival

Pastor Duane Birth is the Director and Administrator

Duane Birth is an associate pastor with GOUND ZERO Rescue Mission and holds the office of "Treasurer."

Duane Birth

We would greatly appreciate your support helping us to give Bible Studies far and wide.

Click the button below to make a donation, using your credit card.

If you would like to make a donation by
mail, send it to:
Duane Birth Ministries
PO Box 310358
Enterprise, Alabama 36331


For those who are kind enough to make a donation of any amount to the support of this Bible study outreach, they will be given full access to the members area of the Info-Max eBook site and will be able to make unlimited downloads.

If you would like to take a look around the Info-Max eBooks site before you
make a donation, CLICK HERE

We will trust that you will be guided
by the good-conscience to know that what you are getting is worth much more than a single dollar.

(The e-book site is temporarily disabled).

Make A Donation Without
Using Any Money Out Of
Your Own Pocket!

Yes, you can now make a donation
to this Bible study outreach and make
$20 for yourself at the same time.
To find out how, CLICK HERE

The Stranger Than Fiction Program
comes to you from out of

The Bridge Church

in Enterprise Alabama. It is on
Highway 84, to the right just
as you are entering Enterprise
from the east.

This new book is now available:
it is the condensed version of all
the books that are listed in the
column to the right and above.
The title is:

You can get this book for a
donation of any size. Simply
embed -RAR- in your email address
or in the notation space with
Paypal, and it will be delivered
to your address (no PO boxes).
Those living outside of
Enterprise Alabama add $5.00
for shipping.

Another new book is being prepared
that will be a larger book than all
the rest of the books that are being
offered, but it is not ready as of
yet, but will be soon. The title is:

If you would like to be on the list
for a text message Bible study,
which is the Stranger Than Fiction
Bible Study video series in text
message form, then send a text
message to the following number:
334-447-8857 and text: "I want
to be on your Bible study list."

The Vision

Bible Study

One of the most famous quotes that Jesus proclaimed was in the Great Commission,
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."

In Mark 16:15, He said:
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

 However, the secular world has distorted the content of the Gospel to the extent that God's
 original design for it has been lost to the murky confusion of pagan traditions.

 On top of that the urgency of the times we live in is calling for a special end-time message
 that will create a passion of enthusiasm that will sweep the world in a special revival.

 Therefore, we especially dedicated Christians define the Great Comission a little bit more clearly,
 "Go ye into all the world and preach the truth of the Third Angel's Message."

 God has made a prophecy in the Bible that a last-day revival will take place. It is found in
  Isaiah 2:2-3, "And it shall come to pass in the last days... And many people shall go and
 say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of
 Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths."

 This same prophecy is repeated in Micah 4:1. Therefore, it is not something to be taken
 lightly. We must prepare ourselves and be ready to do what ever it takes to make this
 prophecy come true.

Bible Study Books In Use:


This book has eight chapters; it probes the question as to why hate is cast upon the true servants of God, which is studied in the course of mankind all down through the history of the world and then reveals that it comes from a source known as BABYLON.


This book probes the existence of the dark side of human nature and reveals that the majority of society is controlled and driven by a mysterious force that causes mankind to despise truth and manipulate the existence of reality in order to keep it buried out of sight.


This book alternates between the social structure of the Earth and that of Heaven and probes the existence of a hidden realm of prophesy in the Bible that can be interpreted in a totally different way than the popular theories have rendered it. This is a study of what human reasoning identifies as valuable and interprets that value as bodily pleasure and mental comfort that the whole word is obsessed with; then that is compared Heavenly value, but centers on what has led the whole world to put stock in what the Bible identifies as “Babylon,” and then puts forth a call to come out of it.


This book follows that which man is determined to place confidence in, but in reality it is an effort to undermine the authority of God in order to create comfort of mind. It even goes into how a false devotion can turn into a disasterous devotion that is found in cults.


This book has sixteen chapters that is an intense study of true Bible facts that are oblivious to society, such as the day-for-year reckoning and the prophesy of the Great Disappointment as predicted in Revelation 10, which is a total mystery to the world.

How to obtain these books for your own personal use:

Get any one of these books for a donation of $10.00 or more. When you make the donation, embed the book number in your email address (ex: or in the notation space if you are using Paypal, and it will be sent to you. If you live in Enterprise Alabama, it will be delivered free to your address (no PO boxes). But if you live outside of Enterprise, include $5.00 for shipping.

This is for the books listed above and doesn't include REBELLION AGAINST REALITY
or CHRISTIAN BONANZA. They will be offered in a diffent way.

Seven videos were made for the Bible study series
then the church office became unavailable.

Bible Studies In Session

GREGG KROODSMA - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session completed)

SARA FLOWERS - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session completed)

BARBARA GRIFFITH - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session completed)

REBECCA MATHEWS - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session completed)

SHUNTEL STERLING - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

KYLE WESSON - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

DEBRA THOMAS - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

HELEN SLATER - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

BRIT WRIGHT - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

TIFFANY HUNTER - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

ARNDIA PHINE - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

JAMIE KAAPPENBUGER - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

DEVEN DAVIS - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

ROSE JAMES - Enterprise Alabama
(Study session in progress)

    We ask for your prayers concerning the progress of the precious souls listed above. Pray earnestly    
that they will see the light of truth like never before. Thank you and may God Bless you.

Pray for these precious souls